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We need a budget for the aam aadmi and not a budget that pleases the aam aadmi

I am almost one hundred percent sure when I write this that the budget, which our honourable finance minister is going to present before the Parliament next month, is going to be a hugely populist one. Although nothing different from other previous budgets – which were more of political rhetoric than anything else – this time, it is different. This time, it is more of a compulsion for the UPA, which is finding itself cornered with respect to untamable inflation on the one hand, and equally unbeatable corruption cases and scams on the other. Ever since it has come to power in 2004, UPA has never been in such a position ever. A never-ending series of scams that eroded crores of rupees not only tainted the UPA’s political image, but also dented their performance ratings in a big way. If the CWG scam dented the global image of the government – where crores were siphoned-off and the infrastructure promised never came to shape – then the 2G scam broke all records of corruption. As per conservative estimates, the CWG scam was worth more than Rs. 8,000 crores and the 2G scam was to the tune of Rs 1.76 lakh crores. And then there is Wikileaks waiting, which is all set to declare a list of 2000 people, global names who have stashed their cash in Swiss banks. If reports are to be believed, then this exposé would put UPA in a very tight spot!

But even before corruption charges and scams ruled headlines, it has been the food inflation that has been sending tremors all across the nation, with prices of onions touching a historic-high of Rs. 100 per kilo. This was after a series of exorbitant price rises that were seen in commodities like sugar and wheat last year! Further, adding to the woes of the UPA, even the fuel price is experiencing a continuous northward trend.

In fact, it was not just scams and price rise; the last year has been the worst year as far as the performance of the UPA government is concerned. Taking about governance, by the end of August last year, the UPA was not even able to introduce half of the bills, which were due and for which they had made public announcements! In spite of having four parliamentary sessions, UPA was able to introduce only 77 out of promised 190 bills, in which bills like Judges Accountability Bill and the likes didn’t even reach the table. Even the over-hyped bill on food security is yet to see its fate. And to top it up, out of 77 bills introduced, around 50 per cent are yet to be passed! In fact, the PRS Legislative Research shows that around 61 bills introduced by the UPA government between 2004 and 2009 are still pending.

In the given scenario, and also going by precedence, UPA government would leave no stone unturned to exploit its budgetary skills to refurbish its battered and tainted image. In all possibility, the incumbent government would necessarily exploit the forthcoming budget to turn the tables in their favour again. Political history is testimony to the fact that political parties have gleefully abused union budgets to shower the aam-adami with all possible benefits in the veil of economic and social development, just to please him – not necessarily for his long run benefit since in reality, these policies that look impressive and promising at hindsight actually benefit none, and in most cases, get re-directed towards political benefits later. How can one forget the farmers’ loan waiver scheme that only helped a very small pocket of rich farmers?

There is no doubt that UPA would again declare a populist, aam-aadmi centric budget offering people a series of unwarranted sops and subsidies. Exploiting the short term memory of the so-called aam-aadmi (that comprises the great Indian middle class), this budget would definitely focus on pampering this pocket of population. It would be their attempt to corrupt the aam aadmi by pleasing him and by making him a party to the national loot! This is something that they have done in the past and this is something that they would definitely try upon this time as well.

What is worse is that they also know that by bringing in a soft and populist budget, they are in the process of creating a fiscal monster for the future. Particularly at a point in time wherein India needs some assertive and radical measures to consolidate its position at the global level! And the union budget is probably the best platform for the same. But then, who cares. As far as UPA is concerned, they would leave behind a distorted balance sheet of the nation, for its successive rule! And it would be the task of the next government, which comes to power, to manage this menace. Unfortunately in all this, it is the same aam aadmi who would be at the forefront of this budget, who has to bleed to make up for the very same budget in the future!
So Pranab da, here is hopin you deliver a budget for the aam aadmi and his real future; and not just to please him at the cost of the country and the aam aadmi himself!


Umesh Bawa said…
Fiscal budgets always move forward to grab the menace of loot. UPA Government can barred almost a batallion of 500 bjp leaders at edge of entering city from unfurling flag, but they went laxious in stopping 5-6 terrorist at mumbai port, which later repercussioned with dogma of 26/11.
In our country every state is having different results in form of percentage with respect to several pointsof development- whether take inflation, literacy, crime, etc. The point is, even after having same govt. in ruling at new delhi, still some states remain sick with furora of under developing elements and baseless tactics of unresponsible beasts sitted on responsible chairs.

This clearly indicates, in democratic governmental set up, there is still subsisting factor of immoralistic features of seperation and kingdom
of large tyranny.....

First of all we have to change these consequences, later we would argue on billing and budgets...
Sushant Jain said…
Pichli bar election time par kisano k karj maf kar diye the...

are budget esa hona chahiye ki kisano k pas itana paisa aa jaye ke ve khushi-2 lauta sake...
Unknown said…
parthasengupta said…
As per a speech of RAHUL GANDHI " The aam admi is one who has all capabilities but doesnt have the influence to use the system for himself"..he continued tht a aam businessman with a great idea but no contacts is aam wrt some with more influence. we are all aam wrt someone like yeddurappa's son who can buy govt land in 40lakh and sell at 40 crore .....for the general aam admi TRANSPARENCY and equal OPPORTUNITY are really important, As the nation embraces e-governance and technology the divide is growing narrow.
ranvir malik said…
Put across so bluntly yet the contents are so true.Ultimately the aam aadmi will have to bear the brunt of piling up fiscal deficit year after year not realizing that the benefits of gimmicks of concessions so declared in the budget never reach him but are manipulated to the advantage of that strata of society to which Rajiv Gandhi's so called aam aadmi does not belong. It is in fact a matter of pity that the present UPA regime has three world fame economists/finance experts, MMS,PC and PM backed by hovercraft in the field MSA yet they have made an aam aadmi cry out and bleed through his nose for basic necessities of life and shamefully the FM instead of taking steps to control the unprecedented inflation reads out the growth rate and shows dis concern by making a statement that inflation is an acceptable common phenomena of a growing economy and it is a positive factor of growth. will the budgetary allocation of funds earmarked for development of nation and welfare of aam aadmi will never reach him because the earlier hunger of khaas aadmis of thousands of crores has gone up to lakhs of crores. It is a matter of shame that Honorable Minister of Teecom Shri kapil Sibbalji, who otherwise enjoys the best and the cleanest image in this cabinet gives a clean chit to his predecessor against the findings of CAG preliminary findings of CBI.Year after year with a piling up fiscal deficit we claim ourselves to be a rising superpower and compare ourselves with china. Have you noticed any development what so ever in the two tenures that the UPA has been in power.In fact the development projects taken up by the NDA regime have either been shelved or moving at snails speed.What the aam aadmi needs is .... someone with a vision like the late PM Rajiv Gandhi, some one with a political will like Shri Atal ji at the helm of affairs, aided by go getter like General B.C Khanduri, Pramod Mahajan, Kapil Sibbal, Narendra Modi and Nitish Kumar not scammers like A.R, S.P,L.Y,S.R,S.K, S.D. It is a matter of concern to that aam aadmi that our worthy FM has to tell the nation that crores of crores of black money lying in foreign banks cant be brought back due to dual taxation problem. what an excuse and what demonstration of the political will!!! Those two thousand accounts which certainly do not belong TO AN AAM AADMI have a total amount which is many folds of our GNP. The AAM AADMI REQUESTS YOU TO GET IT BACK BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR BUDGET HONORABLE F.M SIR, WE ASSURE YOU THAT YOU WILL THEN WRITE A HISTORY BY PRESENTING A SURPLUS BUDGET FOR THE FIRST TIME IN INDEPENDENT INDIA AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PROVIDE RELIEF TO THE AAM AADMI IN REAL SENSE AND NOT THE USUAL GIMMICKS THAT WE ARE EXPECTING FROM YOU SOON
Unknown said…
isn't inflation a constant in the current debt-fed monetary based economic system???
perhaps a better alternative would b to adopt a Resource Based Economic system,with sustainability an development its predominant objectives.'coz itz perhaps nt these gaffers' fault that the system-balance is in jeopardy....they just don't have the answers to the problems...
technicians are the real builders of tomorrow...
global thinkers(such as hon. Sir Chaudhary)and activists,if given rein may alter and stitch the tears,rather than espouse them...
just a humble opinion...
Vaishnavi said…
arin ji who care and think about aam admi?
Good Article... However, what about an MBA course for the aam aadmi? Whatever is preached..can it be practiced?
Let him start a MBA course for the aam aadmi and then instruct the govt on fiscal budgets... :)
neerajpanjiyara said…
aam aadmi, the most ignorant one, have little to do with budget or other fiscal matter, they only want a secure livelihood & the most basic amenities in their life. this is a hard fact even after more then 60 years of independence & in the rising image of india globally. what india is gaining what it is loosing is need to introspect, and this is for every indian to think about, since (if we are living in this culture which shows our acceptance)we are all part of this corrupt culture. we can't deny that one day india will face a condition of revolution against prevailing system, as is seen in different part of the world. and that time every body have to pay something who are gaining from present culture........
Sunamrajit Pal said…
Dear All, First we need to know ...whom we consider as AAM Admi,is it the people living below poverty line, is it the people who live life without letting others know about their existence or the common man who lives a daily life and is not bothered to know what the country is going through...who are they.
My question might be very very silly...but I need to know..can it be answered?
Sunamrajit Pal said…
Dear All, First we need to know ...whom we consider as AAM Admi,is it the people living below poverty line, is it the people who live life without letting others know about their existence or the common man who lives a daily life and is not bothered to know what the country is going through...who are they.
My question might be very very silly...but I need to know..can it be answered?
Unknown said…
every indian is a common man as u say aam adhami...stop using this word of aam adhami. just kill this word and putting this psycologically into the minds of every indian.. the politicans, media and the neighbour indians are time after time implants this word and so we don't think more than that idea. so.. stop using this word. it has to be strictly prohibited. budget has to be for indians and not aam adhami that don't exist. the day we plan for indians things will change. becoz every indian vote counts. my pride and power of being called indian increases than calling the very typical british terminolgy aam adhami... its a great shame on us that we try to eat what has been fed to us and not try to innovate and give new looks. bringing in technology, education and other new inventions in the country is not enough than making people think that they are indians and not aam adhami.... stop using the negative effect of the aam adhami and use the word free indians... without us nothing exist...jai hind
sam said…
i do agree everything mentioned here is not false ... but if it was supported with data , analysis and then the derived conclusions it woul appeal more deeply ...
Unknown said…
Just tell me who cares about the aam aadmi ? The government makes substantial provisions in the budget for various causes and schemes. What happens to them ? The corrupt fleece the budgetary allotments for their own benefits knowing very well that nothing would happen to them. The aam aadmi is left in square one. So does it matter whether the budget is for the aam aadmi or one that pleases the aam aadmi ?
Arindham,I have just listened to your video presentation on Binayak Sen.You have your heart in right place.Hence I am inspired to make this response.
Idon't know enough about Binayak but I do know something about Nsaxals,and see them as a violent challenge to our democracy.
Historically, India has been avery unjust and unequal society. And the people whom Naxals are fighting for have seen much misery and indignity for time imemorial. Democracy offers them and for all of us a chance to right those historical wrongs. Naxals are endangerig that chance by destabilising the democracy by violence.
It is true that our democracy is woefully inadequate and needs the concerted effort of all well meaning Indians to srenghen it so that it can deliver justice and dignity to all us.
Marxist romanticism has not always delivered on promise it made to humanity. Democracies have. Naxals will do much more for the people it is fighting for if they educated them to assert their democratic rights and use democratic instruments for their betterment.
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