It was a pleasure to speak on the "Absence of God" in the presence of School Principals - from about 70 of Delhi's most progressive schools, at the Forum of Public Schools !! Gratitude to all the principals for allowing me to question the existence of God and elaborate upon the extreme harmful effects of religion on mankind. Hats off to to their open mindedness.. after all if Principals aren't the torch bearers of logic and evidence based learning over faith based unscientific blind belief then would? And if scientific reasoning and attitude of questioning all kinds of superstition doesn't start at school then where will it?
As they say we are all born atheists but very few of us are lucky enough to remain so. Because when it comes to religion or god, from almost the day we are born our parents start feeding our brains with lies. Be it through various pujas and namakaran ceremonies or baptism or janeyu ceremony or circumcision etc. Blatant lies without evidence. By pure force, autocratic advantage of being our parents and due to their personal faith.
I am always worried about kids seeing their favorite biology teacher who teaches about evolution and fossils, at a Sunday mass/thursday sai baba temple/friday namaz .. the kids would learn nothing for if evolution were to be true, and biology teacher really believed in it, she wouldn't be found in a church or temple.. same goes for the physics teacher who teaches the universe and wears a stone on his finger , the chemistry teacher who teaches about the chemicals required to spot life on other planets and keeps a Monday fast, or eats vegetarian on Tuesdays, the history teacher who is supposed to teach about facts of past and comes from the class room with a red Tika on forehead and the geography teacher who is supposed to teach the formation of landscapes and keeps navratra fasts. Because then there is no need to teach anything, for, god believers have one answer for everything - God created it!! That's genuinely scary and pitiable. Imagine what's the need of teaching all biology and chemistry and geography? After all where is the role of science compared to, for example, the amazing intelligence of primitives who wrote the Bible, where all the species of animals on this planet stay within walking distance of Noah's house!! We can either teach in class how life on earth came as a result of the process of evolution over 4 billion years or teach how God created man and woman. We can either teach how rains happen scientifically or teach how praying to rain gods and fasting for it, brings rains. If we teach the former we must not do the latter.
The greatest philosopher ever, Karl Marx - who considered religion to be the opium for masses and whose aim in life was not only to end exploitation but also end religion to free man - said, Religion is the impotence of man to deal with the unknown.. but now after so much advancement we should deal with the remaining unknown with a logical brain than say oh its gods mystery. God's mystery : that's the answer for anything that you can't explain! Imagine a teacher coming inside a science class and giving his answers to all questions as gods creation and gods mystery!! Nothing to teach!!!! However, that's not the ttruth though many of the mysteries of the universe are yet to be unraveled. But attributing everything we don't know to god and killing other human beings in God's name isn't the answer!
It's much better to live life with unanswered questions than to live life with answers that can't be questioned (as in the case of Religions and religious books written by medieval unscientific men), and I hope soon one day, logic will prevail and we will be peaceful human beings who won't hate each other due to our gods and religions but love each other due to the presence of humanism inside all of us!
If you find it funny or foolish that your son believes in spiderman, please ask yourself. He is a kid, you might be the joke here who believes in as much a patently infantile, imaginary thing called GOD. Science will perhaps one day create a spiderman in a laboratory; but your imaginary god will never be created!! Have faith. Not on imaginary gods. But on godly human beings on earth around you.. your parents, your friends, your spouse, your friends, your children. And if they ever betray that faith, learn your lessons and walk ahead. Not into the temple. But into your books and in search of more knowledge.
If all that I wrote has offended you, I am not sorry. Because offending people has never been a factor in my life. It's the real pillar of democracy. As I tell my students. If you feel offended, argue it out. It's a democracy. Use your brains. Go to the canteen and call me names and discuss how big a fool I am. In the process use your brain and argue on the topic. If you do that one day you will learn to use your brain and automatically realize the truth. As they say, if you could argue with religious people, there wouldn't be any religious people!!
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