After 25 years of American war mongering, Putin brings hope for a new era of peace by virtually destroying ISIS and ushering in Cold War - Phase 2!
Finally every genuine news site of the world, for the past seven days has a headline I am pleased with. Russia starts war in Syria!! What the world desperately needed has started. Almost like the cold war era, Russia has taken America head on without caring... smashing the USA backed extremists in Syria, while additionally destroying ISIS; bombing them in a manner last seen maybe 70 years back. From state of the art bombers and missiles to absolutely brilliant sea to land missile attacks from a distance of 1500 km. In fact as I write, today they are actually expected to deploy 'Blazing Sun' - heavy flamethrower 24 barrel missile launchers capable of flattening eight city blocks, not just by its sheer heat but also by sucking up the oxygen in that area and creating a near vaccum. Finally after days of near silence and efforts to demean Russian efforts the western media has woken up and started writing the truth (though the Indian media is still sleeping).
And the truth is ISIS is about to be destroyed. They are on the run. Iran and Lebanon have already joined hands with Russia . Putin is being called Sheikh Putin in Iraq, as more and more middle eastern nations warm up to Russia leaving the suckers - America - behind. NATO forces have silently stepped away and virtually grounded their jets so that by mistake they don't end up crashing with Russian jets in fear of a Third World War like situation - a situation that they realize, they are bound to lose. And the truth is they haven't seen the kind of weapons that Russia is using with precision and determination , as Russians show how a war against terrorism of the worst and most shocking kinds can be destroyed in matter of days. Obviously calling into question what was America doing for a year spending 10 million dollars a day, " fighting ISIS " while the IS militants chopped off hundreds of heads and made videos, for the Facebook propagation of their heinous crimes (not to mention the additional embarrassment of dropping a bomb in a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan).
I have always believed , eventually religious extremism of all kinds which create terrorism and deaths, will be bombed out, because the religious extremists will never realize they are wrong, and therefore carry on with their stupid beliefs. And this bombing has started. For far too long USA and CIA have been responsible for creating AL Qaeda and similar extremist outfits in Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan and sadly Russia remained a spectator while China decided not to interfere and concentrate on making money. Thus, leaving USA with a free hand at spreading terrorism of the Imperialistic kinds and war mongering around the world - from Latin America to Middle East. That's why I always favoured balance of power of the cold war era over the post 1989 era of one sided greed driven war mongering of the USA-NATO combine.
Syria is a typical case of the US spreading war to dislodge a government not to its liking like they have done endless no of times in past, in Latin America, Africa, Iraq etc.. and the sad part is that USA has farcely fought these wars in the name of democracy while in reality, post the war, put a devilish dictator as an American stooge and disappeared after getting their required contracts. This war will now either end up with Russia destroying ISIS as well as other so called moderate militant groups (those terrorists USA backs are called moderate) or will become a full fledged war between NATO and Russia. Latter wouldn't really happen because of two reasons. One because as I stated earlier Russia has almost won the war before starting it. I mean this same war USA has been fighting for more than a year by shamefully arming "moderate extremists" of Syria as if arming them earlier and creating an unmanageable break away faction in the form of ISIS was not enough or arming "moderate extremists" in Afghanistan and creating AL Qaeda and Osama wasn't good enough ! And here Russia comes and finishes it off almost in ten days!! It only shows that USA was more busy making money playing war games instead of finishing ISIS.
The second reason I believe a third world War like situation won't happen is because all the NATO countries including UK has no military capability to really go into a war with Russia. For six months I have been reading regularly that Russian jets had been getting into British airspace to test British reaction times, creating total shock in the British parliament. And yet, the consensus has been UK really can't do anything as their limited no of jets aren't swift and equipped enough to take on Russian jets; and their ground tanks are absolutely rusting! To add to the American and western fear is the fact that in case of a war, it's inevitable that China will join hands with Russia. That would mean a double blow. Firstly through a grinding halt to the production of all Americans goods being produced in China and secondly through a phenomenal addition to the Russian might. So the question of a Russia vs NATO war really doesn't arise. I bet Obama must be cursing the day they stupidly made Putin stand isolated - a few meters away from them - for the G-8 group leaders photograph and put those childish sanctions on Russia. Personally I am sure that's the day, Putin had decided to change the track of modern history.