What a pleasure it is always to
sit down to write the editorial of this creation of sheer passion Sunday
Indian. As we begin a new journey with a whole new look to this magazine with a
broader layout, better paper quality and totally changed masthead and design
template, I must say that there is one thing that has not changed and that is
the quality of journalism is magazine stood for not just truth but hard-hitting
truth. It stood for not just reporting but incisive and intellectual analysis.
In eect, it has actually hardly been a newsmagazine, it has actually been a
news analysis tool. Our readers, that cut across students to teachers to
politicians and even media leaders, have always loved the thought leadership
position we took. Despite being philosophically to the le_ of the center, we
took the lead in demolishing the myth of CPM’s bhadrolok image in Bengal, even
at the cost of considerable vindictive targeting. And despite being le_ of
center, we actually vehemently supported BJP in the last elections. Yet, we
remain staunchly le_ of center, and as this magazine goes out for print, we
remain glued to the American presidential race hoping that Bernie Sanders pulls
o an upset victory. Yes. _e world indeed also seems to be poised for a new look
indeed. In the US it’s Bernie Sanders – a self-confessed socialist – who is
giving Hillary more than a run for her money… genuine money and pedigree
indeed. Nationwide, the youth overwhelmingly back him. In fact, overall, on the
trust factor, he beats Hillary by miles. In the UK, by a record margin another
socialist Jeremy Corbyn became the Labour Party leader. And all this, despite
the fact that in both the cases, the capitalist-owned media was totally against
them. Will Sanders win? Probably not. Will Corbyn survive the media onslaught
against him?? Probably not. At least as of now. But the wave is clear. _e
world’s most accomplished democracies are _nally looking le_. In Latin America,
the le_ is a well established choice by rotation quite like India’s Kerala…
most of Europe has socialist philosophies of social security et al as the
guiding light of politics; and now, it’s the turn of the pillars of
imperialism, the US and the UK, to look le_. Sooner than later, we are bound to
see a genuine socialist leader sitting at the helm in one of these countries.
Of course, as an Indian, you would hardly get to read about this in Indian
newspapers. _at’s why you need _e Sunday Indian. It’s the magazine that aims to
even inuence the rightist BJP to turn left and set the so called Le_ in India
right – by showing it where it has been going wrong. All in all, let me assure
that a new look around the world is here and at TSI, we have evolved to a new
look too, to keep up with the changing times!