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Say no to body shaming, but make no mistake the body positive movement is harmful and unscientific!
After gaining a lot of weight in the early 2003 to 2006 due to my own lack of focus, for the last 15 years I have been totally focused on better health and its even a part of my leadership workshops.
Now I am in my 7th year of regular exercising, martial arts and good diet and have decided to get into my 50s (in another 11 months) in a better shape than ever before!
Of course, we can all meet with accidents or for example get cancer without any reason, but the idea is to try and live happy and fit till the last day! The truth is when you don’t smoke or drink you do reduce your chances of cancer hugely!
I have deducted salaries of overweight seniors in my organisation - who opted for the weight linked salary structure!!
At this point as well one of my colleagues has to send me a daily live location on WhatsApp while he does his 90 min walk and I can actually see him walking on the tracker. And cross check on video calls. At the end of his session he has to send me a snap shot of his fitness tracker with the time and distance covered!! His target is to lose 64kgs in the next 18 months!!!
Yes I love health conscious fit people.
My father was over weight and mostly fat throughout his life. I loved him more than I loved anyone else in this world!! A lot of my closest friends are fat and I love them today! So I am all for loving people irrespective of their religion, race, body shape. And BODY SHAMING is totally not acceptable.
But just like I have scientific reasons to believe that religious people are low IQ similarly I find the body positive movement uneducated, unscientific and outright illogical. It is pure and simple lazy living in denial of science. While body shaming is shameful, the opposite of it isn’t body positive. That’s irrational - however much it hurts.
That too specially since it’s carried out on social media to get acceptance!!
No doctor agrees with the body positive movement (a research showed that only 1.5% of them agreed). All research and scientific evidence points out to the undeniable fact that extra weight is the key reason behind Hypertension, Diabetes, Kidney issues and thus early death (apart from infertility of course)..
And most importantly it’s untrue that appreciating fitness is a social media learnt trait. Research has shown that even new borns react more positively towards fit people!!
So instead of living in denial. Get up. Get ready. Exercise before starting your day. And far more importantly eat good food - but less.
Really less.
>>>>> As the saying goes- eat your food like medicine today, unless you want to eat medicines like food tomorrow. <<<<<
Get fit for your own sake, get fit for the people you love and get fit to manage your finances better (because we earn for our whole life at the end of the day to spend on our hospitalisation expenses as we grow old)..
And yes appreciate every fit person around you. That fit body is a result of a lot of hard work, sincerity, focus and control over gluttony. It didn’t come by being lazy and eating fast food and accumulating cholesterol.
NB. To read more about how to live healthy forever, join me Arindam Chaudhuri at the “Global Sports Summit” where I will be speaking
or download and read my latest book
Beyond God & Capitalism
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>>The Intelligent Person's Manifesto for Success & Happiness!<<

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