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Had these things been done India wouldn’t have been in this crisis today


>>>Had these things been done India wouldn’t have been in this crisis today<<<
Many people have been wondering what has been my contribution in the pandemic.
11th April 2020 along with many other suggestions, I had asked for emergency 1.2 MILLION BEDS (6 make shift hospitals of 300 beds each in every district of India).
On 10th July I had said government must purchase all REMDESIVIR stock from CIPLA and make it FREE for citizens.
On 11th July, I had proposed that whenever the VACCINE comes it must be FREE for all Indians.
This is apart from suggesting 7500 Rs Direct transfer to every family of 5 below poverty line, a USD 450 billion rescue package and much more.
And way before anyone realised the destruction the pandemic can cause, On 22nd March 2020, I had reminded the government of my “2005” article where I had cautioned that a Pandemic can leave upto 50 MILLION dead depending upon the version of the virus and WE ARE NOT PREPARED. And had given all my suggestions that very day - which was taken out by many media houses.
The article was titled, ‘Let’s not make India one huge morgue’.
NB.All friends are free to scroll down and check
Apart from media houses taking them out and posting it on Facebook, I have been sending these suggestions directly to PMO as well.
Here’s the exact sequence of my suggestions because before criticising, I first send/give my suggestions - though the government should be doing all of this on its own...
Apart from my posts which have been critical of the government and the PM; I sent the following set of suggestions to the government (not just through posts but also by sending physical copies of them) and masses.. inclusive of 3 OPEN letters to the PM. Thankfully some were indeed implemented.
Here is a sequence of my suggestions till now from the time when everyone (including the Government of India) was sleeping and had no idea how bad it was going to hit:
On March 4th
I requested all friends to start wearing masks before moving out. Even doctors at that time didn't suggest the same.
March 22nd
I wrote:
We can't have a lockdown. It will destroy Indian economy. India is not China or Italy. We need to have new ideas wrt Coronavirus to save our poor from dying hungry and businesses from shutting down. Suggestions included emergency health facilities and min income transferred to the poor.
March 25th
I wrote:
Dear PM Modi, save India from becoming one huge MORGUE.
Suggestions included emergency health facility in sports stadiums in every district and taking help of the army.
March 28th
I warned about 500% inflation, mass unemployment, FOOD RIOTS
April 3rd
I suggested all of these in details through a video and explained how to make a beautiful post CoVID19 world and how India could take this as an opportunity to lead by example!
On same day
I shared scientific research on 10 things that can make it easy to tackle CoVID19
April 11th
My frustration at lack of government action hit peak and I gave a more detailed specific ten point agenda of (needless to say sent it to PMO as well). The suggestions included:
>300 hospital beds in every district
>450 Billion dollar rescue package (Genuine 15% of GDP)
>7500 Rs to every family of 5
April 16th
The Edge magazine covered my suggestions on its cover story
On April 28th I wrote this questioning the fruitfulness of testing and maintaining scores when it doesn't give any idea about reality and truth...
With that everything I had to say was over
Yet on May 11th
I explained why we shouldn't take the Doubling effect lightly
And on May 24th made a forceful case for Global Universal Basic Income
On June 13th I wrote:
Read about the 3 IDIOTS you need to avoid to stay safe as CoVID19 becomes uncontrollable in India:
On June 25th I wrote why no child should be made to risk her life for education and how the burden of ONLINE classes must be reduced to less than 60 a day (a suggestion that was later taken up by the government)
On July 5th I gave 8 points that we must take care of
On July 9th I reiterated on why schools must remain shut during CoVID19
On July 11th I explained the need for universal basic healthcare and why the CoVID19 vaccine must be free when it's out
On July 12th I explained the need for a special CoVID19 insurance scheme
And on the same day I explained why CIPLA's remedesivir must be made free by government
On July 13th I explained the need for transferring Rs5k to every family of 5 that comes in bottom 80% of income
On July 17th I explained how our GDP is contracting and the need to have UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME, yet again
On July 20th I did the largest possible poll with 47k people participating to show the government how despite emotional and religious sentiments people right now want it to focus on healthcare
On July 22nd I suggested the need to have an unemployment database TO HELP THOSE LOSING JOBS (something that was immediately picked up by AAP)
On July 23rd I wrote about the need to extend the moratorium without INTEREST
On July 24th I reiterated the importance of masks given scientific evidence
On July 28th in the first of its kind poll on India I revealed the real impact of CoVID19 on unemployment
On July 29th I wrote my third open letter to the PM
On 4th August I warned that India has hit No.1 in terms of new cases and new deaths reported and we must get serious
On 4th August I also did a poll to show how desperately 62% Indians need another moratorium extension
On 8th August I sent out a message to believe in vaccines and when we come out victorious to thank science instead of God
On 10 Aug I appealed to all parents to come together and refuse governments idea of sending children to school
On 1st Jan 2021 my New Years message to everyone was to get vaccinated
On 11th March 2021 I actually celebrated the fact the Modi was being praised all over the world for donating vaccines to them
On 12th April I warned people from being a part of the super spreader kumbh
On April 16th 2021 I sent these suggestions to control the current situation:
This was 13 months after my first set of suggestions for the PM directly sent to him on March 22nd 2020
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