D ear Arvind Kejriwal, As my relatives, acquaintances and students die avoidable deaths; I am completely mad on the current regime at the centre. But for every death - in reality a MURDER - in Delhi, you have equal blood on your hands. You were sitting and spending 150cr advertising yourself just between Jan to March this year while the cases increased. You did nothing for the last one year when Delhi needed at least 20,000 extra ICU beds if not more. And each bed obviously means extra oxygen facility. You have no shame to say that PM CARES fund didn’t come. Didn’t you have calculations? You are from IIT. Didn’t you know that making a few oxygen plants cost nothing compared to your state budget and so called landmark health budget? And you are FOOLING EVEN TODAY by saying lies like tomorrow even if there are 30k cases per day Delhi is now going to be equipped. You are a congenital liar. In case your IIT brain can’t calculate properly, let me help you. For every reported case in Delhi, ...